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Aesthetic-pedagogical interventions (lectures, workshops and courses): Focusing on the experience with the learning plays [Lehrstücke] by Bertolt Brecht
Series of public speeches, workshops and experiments of scenic experience and theoretical reflection, originated from the learning Play of “Baden-Baden Lesson on Consent”, by Bertolt Brecht

School of Communications and Arts/ECA of University of São Paulo-USP, associated to both undergraduate and graduate programs, from 2007 to 2013;

São Judas Tadeu University/SP/2011/Oswald de Andrade workshop/SP/2008;

University of Santa Catarina State-UDESC/2008, Costa Braga College-SP/2004

Series of public speeches, workshops and experiments of scenic experience and theoretical reflection, originated from the learning play “He who says yes/He who says no”, by Bertolt Brecht

SESC Araraquara/SP/2005, in a partnership with Maria Tendlau; Drama Space ‘Pé no Palco’/Curitiba/PR/2003; House of Culture of Santo Amaro/SP, in the Project Vocational Theater of the Secretary of Culture of São Paulo, between 2002-2003, with participation in the Undergraduate Seminar of the Performing Arts Course at ECA/USP/2002

Workshop and scenic experiment originated from work with the learning play “The Flight across the Ocean”, by Bertolt Brecht

Arcadia Art Books and Events– Curitiba/PR – 1999 / Appreciation of scenic exercise on the same play enacted by undergrad students at São Judas Tadeu University/SP/2007

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